Akshaya Agri

Equipment and Technology

Though it is a start-up company, Akshaya Agri is leaping to develop the products from ground zero, and is also pursuing technological collaboration with some of the best known brands. The product line-up has already been defined for the next 3-4 years. For the next one year, the focus will be on grain harvesting, and implements such as rotary tiller, ploughs, cultivator. Further plans are being developed for other land preparation, crop protection, harvesting, and post harvesting mechanisation.

Our Progress

Akshaya Agri has partnered with an engineering company, Altimech Engineering Pvt. Ltd. and a manufacturing company, Syntra Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd both in Hyderabad for the product development. The company is also in discussions with a few other engineering companies in the area of embedded systems, industrial design for technology adoptions and digitalization in agricultural equipment.
With our progress in product development. We have been able to secure land for research and development . We are also preparing manufacturing plans and strategies which will be shared shortly.

Technology Vision

Akshaya Agri is committed to bring the difference to the farming community through their passion for technology applications in the agricultural equipment. We have identified four major areas of technologies to apply in our products.


Indian farming community now has access to mobile and internet. Digital Agriculture is using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to provide access to the relevant crops, products and local information. Akshaya Agri will leverage this technology for their customer connects, custom hiring efforts and for collaboration with Agri-entrepreneurs.

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Connected Machines

Telematics and other peripherals like data analytics for fleet management can help the farming community with the fleet and machine optimization. Akshaya Agri plans to begin this journey through frugal, yet highly effective telematics solutions for Equipment and Implements. For development, Akshaya Agri plans to collaborate within India eco-system as well, the foreign countries.

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The journey will begin from subsystem level automations to the vehicle level autonomy through 3-4 stages of the development, spanned over a period of time. The major value chain for this application will be fruits and vegetables.

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With its rising cost and emission effects, fossil fuels are becoming the constraints for the farming products. Akshaya Agri is planning to invest in electrification at two levels - 1. Subsystem level electrification. 2. Vehicle level electrification.

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